Albumanbefaling ROB:SCURE


Tangled Thoughts of Leaving – Deaden the Fields (Self-released – 2011)

A band that began as something resembling a lounge act playing Dillinger covers evolved into this sprawling beautiful beast. From the lonely city of Perth, this four piece has remained on my radar for a very long time, not only for the dynamics of their songs, but also their discography. Some moments of their career are crushing with despair, but this release came along at the right time for me. Instrumental music has always given my thoughts the space needed to just feel. The recurring theme at 7:39 and finally at 16:29 of the track ‘Landmarks’ just destroys me every goddamn time.

For Fans Of: That one sweaty night in Perth when Mogwai and Ben Weinman met on tour. Nine months later…