A Secret Death – A Secret Death (Skull & Bones Records – 2008)
Last week I featured Palm from Japan and linked a documentary (https://youtu.be/uZ2mKjq529k) of their 2013 Australian tour. As you might have picked up, that documentary was as much about A Secret Death as it was about Palm. Unfortunately I never got the chance to see ASD live while I lived in Australia, but they were always at the top of the pile for me and to this day I frequently spin this album. I really hope these pieces I do for Råkkfolk put some deserving Australian bands in front of a new audience. Australian bands are at an incredible disadvantage when it comes to the rest of the western world. The sheer amount of kilometres spun on an east coast tour would put most European tours to shame. Let alone trying to break out of the Australian market and into the international. That’s what makes me so proud of the Australian bands, artists and labels that make an impact outside of the continent down under. Do them a favour, chuck them a few listens and ask me for some recommendations if you ever want to explore what the Australian music scene has to offer.
FFO: Vegemite break(downs)fast.