Albumanbefaling ROB:SCURE


Nails – Abandon All Life (Southern Lord – 2013)

My day to day listening leans heavily on the extreme end of things, maybe that’s why I’m such a placid dude. Either way, lately I’ve had an insatiable hunger for sledgehammer riffing and Nails hits the fucking spot.

You should have heard of this band by now – fast music for slow people. The main riff in Wide Open Wound is what solidified this band for me. Unsilent Death was vicious, this album crushed and their latest album trimmed off even more fat and served up some of the most efficient pit-starter riffs heard by man.

By the time you’ve read this you could have already listened to most Nails songs. Check out the studio videos, for your mosh.

For Fans Of: Bulldozing life.